SMSCideas is a free resource to support all schools and youth settings in thinking about, promoting, and delivering high quality teaching and learning on SMSC and Fundamental British Values.

As a citizenship and SMSC specialist I am all too aware of the fact that time and resources available in school for this subject are limited, despite becoming increasingly important in preparing our students for life outside of the classroom. This website aims to change that, by providing free and easy access to a wide range of excellent resources at the touch of a button, that can be used across the curriculum, in lessons, assemblies, drop-down days and interventions.

The website has four basic elements:


Free, printable activities for primary and secondary schools, lasting about 30 minutes, and each with teacher tips, extension ideas and links for further reading. Great to use in form times, as starter activities or combined together in a SMSC-theme workshop.

Latest: We are the Rainbow Children


Full or part lessons ready for use, all on PowerPoint presentations, with presenter notes, ideal for a specific SMSC class-based lesson, or for inclusion in other lessons across the curriculum.


Thoughts, advice and guidance about how your school or setting can work toward creating an outstanding SMSC provision.

GCSE Citizenship

Resources, lessons and activities to support outstanding delivery of the GCSE Citizenship curriculum.

The website is updated regularly with new resources, so please do visit again soon! You can also follow me @SMSCallchin on Twitter and I would love to hear your stories of how the resources have helped the delivery of SMSC in your school.

Good luck!

Kelly Allchin -